Students getting advisement from Rowan College staff

Advisement at 威尼斯人注册


​​What is a 度评价?

The online 度评价 is an electronic tool that allows a student to track their academic progress toward the completion of the degree they are seeking to earn.  The 度评价 lists the courses that have been previously completed, the courses the student is currently registered for, and the courses that still need completing.  The dynamic report will also include variance approvals (course substitutes approved by the respective Dean), total credits needed to complete the degree, and the number of credits the student has currently earned.  This document is updated each semester as students complete degree requirements to reflect the most up to date reporting of a students academic progress.

To access a 度评价

  1. 登录到门户
  2. Locate the Registration Tools area (left side) and select 度评价
  3. At the bottom of the page, select Generate New Evaluation
  4. Select your degree 并点击 生成请求 (Do not adjust term)
  5. Select 详细的需求 并点击 提交

​Students who use this tool to determine if they should apply to graduate should have at least 40 completed credits shown at the top of the 度评价 Report before applying.​


The tool can also generate a "假设分析" report which is used to evaluate how many completed credits could be applied to a new program of study.  If a student is thinking about changing majors, this report will assist the student by determining which courses would count toward the new program of study and which courses would still need completing.  This is a useful tool for determining if changing your program of study would prolong the time needed to complete the degree.

To generate a 假设分析 report*

  1. 登录到门户
  2. Locate the Registration Tools area (left side) and select 度评价
  3. At the bottom of the page, select 假设分析
  4. Select the current term from the dropdown menu 并点击 Continue
  5. Select the Program of Study you are considering 并点击 继续
  6. Choose the Program of Study you just selected under the heading, 第一次重大 并点击 提交
  7. On the next page, click 生成请求
  8. Select 详细的要求 并点击 提交

注意:如果在步骤8, you chose "Additional Information", you will be able to see the courses that are completed, but do not count toward the degree selected for the What-if Analaysis report.

*The 假设分析 is not an official report of your academic progress.
